Monday, August 3, 2009

Work in Progress

Today was our first official day of working on the building. We are quickly discovering that things take longer than the movies make it seem. 30 second montages are so deceiving!

We set out to strip and paint the front of the building today. In the end, we stripped half the desired area and didn't even open a can of paint.

Augie joined us today, but he was keen on demolition, not scraping. He may have been slightly disappointed since the ceiling he was "tearing down" actually required careful removal in order to salvage the pieces to donate to the Re-Store. We will have to make sure to save the real demolition for him on another day.


  1. Let me know how I can help!

  2. Thanks Ash!! We'll have a painting party that we hope to get as many hands on deck as possible!
