Monday, October 12, 2009

The Origins of "Ori"

After whittling down our lists to two, we both agreed upon Salon Ori. This came off of AmberJean's list and is the nickname of her Grandfather, Oris Hegge. After researching the name, just in case it had derogatory meanings or could be taken as a culture sensitive word, we discovered that the word Ori represented us very well. The word itself is a positive cross-cultural reference.

Ori is a popular name in the Hebrew language. The name means "my light".

Yoruba is a dialect continuum of West Africa with over 25 million speakers. The native tongue of the approximately 28 million Yoruba people, it is spoken, among other languages, in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo. The Yoruba use Ori to refer symbolically to the spiritual being; that is the soul or the indiviual ego.

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